[Paraview] Threshold Changing Self in 2.2.1

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Fri Sep 30 12:01:20 EDT 2005

Threshold is changing its "Scalars" variable whenever the time step changes 
when the network has been loaded from a "session state" file. When the 
network is created from scratch it is fine.

The network:
   read (10 time steps of scalar and vector cell data from a series of .vtu 
   Cut (plane)
   Centers (with "Generate vertices" on)
   Calc (create "mag of gas vel" from point data "gas velocity")
   Threshold ("Scalars" set to "mag of gas vel")

The output from Threshold looks correct for whichever value of "Scalars" it 
has decided to use. "Scalars" changes to another variable (the first 
scalar) whenever the reader's time step changes.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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