[Paraview] Very Small Coordinate Data

Richard Haney cosmoh2o at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 25 10:49:35 EDT 2005

Please Help,

I have been using Paraview as a visualization tool now for about 6 months 
and think it is a great product but have ran into an issue I hope someone 
can help me with. I received a file that is not very large (322 nodes, 789 
Tetrahedral elements) but has very small coordinates (-0.440480985020E-13, 
0.3400809001E-01, etc). When I try and display the mesh I get nothing 
(doesn't crash - but does not show anything either).

I am using .xmf with a .h5 data file. Does Paraview work when the data 
values are very small and located very near each other such as this is the 
case? Should the values be re-scaled?

Attached is a copy of both the .xmf and .h5 file.

Thanks to anyone out there with some idea/hint.

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<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd">
<Grid Name="Visualize Example">
<Geometry Type="XYZ">
<DataStructure Format="HDF" Dimensions="322 3" DataType="Float">

<Topology Type="Tetrahedron" NumberOfElements="789" BaseOffset="0">
<DataStructure Format="HDF" Dimensions="789 4" DataType="Int">

<Attribute Name="Fill" Type="Scalar" Center="node">
<DataStructure Format="HDF" Dimensions="322" DataType="Int">

<Attribute Name="materials" Type="Scalar" Center="cell">
<DataStructure Format="HDF" Dimensions="789" DataType="INT">


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