[Paraview] Stereo support for GeoWall available?

Christoph Moder mail at christoph-moder.de
Thu Sep 22 07:34:23 EDT 2005


We have a GeoWall setup (http://www.geowall.org/) and would like to use 
Paraview there. It is driven by a Linux computer with a dual head 
graphics card, configured as a tiled display (each screen connector is 
linked to a projector with polarizing filter, thus creating 3D images).

So what I need is a stereo mode which displays the two pictures side by 
side, so they can be shown on different screens (instead of combined in 
a single red/blue picture). Is this possible? Can anyone explain how 
this can be done? I have already experimented with the patches listed 
below (and the current CVS version of Paraview), but without success.


Thank you for your help! Greetings,

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