[Paraview] Probe filter for transient datasets...

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Tue Sep 20 10:02:21 EDT 2005

Hi Renato,

Yes. In animation, the probe records the data values sampled after each 
frame. When the animation completes, the plot then shows how the values 
changed over time. Should you wish to change the probe's position during 
the animation, there are animation controls for its X, Y and Z coordinates.

Dave DeMarle

Renato N. Elias wrote:

>Hi all,
>Is it possible to plot and animate a point probe for a transient data set?
>Thanks for any help.
>Renato N. Elias
>High Performance Computing Center
>Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
>ParaView mailing list
>ParaView at paraview.org

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