[Paraview] Transforming an image

Aviv Hurvitz avivh at cs.huji.ac.il
Tue Sep 20 07:55:49 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I'm trying to use Paraview to visually verify the registration between
two 3D images. I calculated the registration with an external
application and have obtained a 3x3 matrix that I'd like to apply to the
moving image within Paraview. I've managed to read the images into
Paraview (they're in MetaImage format), but unfortunately I can't apply
a Transform filter on the moving image's object (of class
vtkMetaImageReader). The filter is grayed out.

Is there some way I'm missing to apply a spatial transformation to the
image? I'm willing to enter the tranformation manually through the user
interface or, better yet, to enter it directly into the session file
(*.pvs). I will break the transformation matrix into a translation *
rotation * scaling if need be.

By the way, I noticed the MetaImage header has  a TransformMatrix field
but it doesn't seem to have any effect in Paraview.


- Aviv

Aviv Hurvitz
Graduate Student
School of Computer Science and Engineering
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91904
Mobile: +972-54-4635300

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