[Paraview] VTK / ParaView / ITK BOF at Vis05

Lisa Avila lisa.avila at kitware.com
Fri Sep 16 14:45:33 EDT 2005

Hello Everyone,

Kitware will be hosting a VTK / ParaView / ITK "Birds-Of-A-Feather" (BOF) 
meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota as part of the Visualization '05 
conference. Tentatively, this will take place on Tuesday October 25th, from 
7pm to 9pm. We see this as an opportunity for folks working with these open 
source projects to meet, share past experiences, and discuss future needs. 
Toward this goal, I would like to invite users and developers of these 
projects to make some short (approximately 5 to 10 minutes) presentations - 
perhaps a case study of how you are using the software, some recent 
extensions that you have made to the software, or  future directions that 
you would like to see the software take.

If you plan to attend the Visualization conference and would like to make a 
presentation at this BOF, please send me (lisa.avila at kitware.com) a brief 
description of what you would like to cover by no latter than October 7th, 
2005. Remember, this presentation does not require a large amount of 
preparation - a few Power Point slides with some images / animations / 
descriptions of your work would be great. I think this meeting will be more 
valuable (and a lot more interesting) with participation from the whole 

Thank you,

Lisa S. Avila

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