[Paraview] Legacy Format

Dominik Szczerba domi at vision.ee.ethz.ch
Fri Sep 16 06:43:27 EDT 2005

there is a pdf file somewhere on the vtk webpage with a very detailed
description of the format.

Mattijs Janssens wrote:

> I use FIELD. E.g.
> FIELD attributes 2
> p 1 882 float
> ..
> U 3 882 float
> ..
> (never tried the xml format though)
> Paul Wells wrote:
>> I am modifying a CFD code to write unstructured grid results in
>> legacy vtk format. The type of output data is quite simple: an
>> unstructured surface mesh of arbitrary polygon cells with a number of
>> scalar properties assigned to each cell.
>> I have completed the geometry part no problem, but I cannot find (or
>> at least cannot understand what I have found!) a good description of
>> the file format for the data.
>> Should I use repeated blocks of CELL_DATA, SCALARS. or should I use a
>> FIELD, with each scalar in one array of the field.
>> Regarding the FIELD data, I couldn't see how the data in the arrays
>> would 'know' whether it was assigned to CELLs or to POINTS.
>> OR
>> Should I write the whole thing in the XML format?
>> Many thanks in advance
> Mattijs

Dominik Szczerba, Dr.
ETZ C110 CO-ME/BIWI CH-8092 Zurich

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