[Paraview] Fwd: Cell v. point data

Randy Hudson hudson at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Sep 13 13:46:28 EDT 2005

My AMR reader is part of the server.  My custom GUI is part of the client.  My GUI needs to determine whether the AMR data just read is cell-centered or point-centered, so it will know whether it must further convert cell-centered to point-centered before an isosurface is possible.

Is there a method I can call from the client -- maybe vtkPVSource -> Get<Something>() -> Get<Something>() -> Get<Something>() -- that will tell me whether the data is cell-centered or point-centered?

(I see there are vtkBridgeAttribute::GetCentering() and vtkGenericAttribute::GetCentering(), but haven't determined how to get to them, yet.)


>Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005 12:13:51 -0500
>To: paraview at paraview.org
>From: Randy Hudson <hudson at mcs.anl.gov>
>There must be a method I can call to determine whether the data I've just read is cell- or point-centered.  (I need this for my custom GUI for AMR data.)
>I've spent much time digging for this, but, so far, have come up empty-handed.
>Can someone tell me what it is?
>630 252 8690.

630 252 8690.

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