[Paraview] V2.4.1 Compile Error in vtkSocketCommunicator

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 14:08:41 EST 2005

In your CMakeCache.txt, what is VTK_HAVE_GETSOCKNAME_WITH_SOCKLEN_T set to?

On 11/30/05, Kent Eschenberg <eschenbe at psc.edu> wrote:
> Compiling 2.4.1 under Fedora Core 4 with gcc 4.0.1 yields an error:
> Member function 'virtual int vtkSocketCommunicator::GetPort(int)'
> Line 303
> Invalid conversion from 'int*' to 'socklen_t*'
> Initializing argument 3 of 'int getsockname(int, sockaddr*, socklen_t*)'
> Suggestions?
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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