[Paraview] Multiple Pieces in one file

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 12:14:15 EST 2005

Is this a multiblock dataset? ParaView 2.4 and VTK 5 support multiblock
datasets. You have to create a .vtm file. The vtm file supports multi-block
as well as hierarchical structured AMR datasets. For more information, look
at the header files of these:


The format is simple. The vtm file is a meta-file that points to other XML
files. Here is a small example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="vtkMultiBlockDataSet" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian"
<DataSet group="0" dataset="0" file="test/test_0.vts"/>
<DataSet group="1" dataset="0" file="test/test_1.vts"/>
<DataSet group="2" dataset="0" file="test/test_2.vts"/>

You can also have distributed multi-block datasets. Each group corresponds
to one block and can contain one or more datasets. These "sub blocks" are
the distributed data.


On 11/11/05, Steve Hudson <s_hudson13 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am using Paraview version 2.2 to read a StructuredGrid. If I create more
> than one "piece" in the same file, it displays only the last piece entered
> and ignores the others. Is this what you would expect? I would like to
> display multiple pieces using in the same file. If this cannot be done I
> guess I will have to use an unstructured grid.
> Thanks
> Steve
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