[Paraview] Serial posprocessing of parallel data...

Wylie, Brian bnwylie at sandia.gov
Fri Nov 4 14:11:42 EST 2005

Many of the readers will read in parallel files with just a serial paraview (Exodus, SAF, pvd, etc).
If the paraview SOS reader does not support that than please enter a feature request in the bug tracker and Sandia will pay to have the that functionality added to the SOS reader. :)
Brian Wylie - Org 9227 
Sandia National Laboratories 
MS 0822 - Building 880/A1-J 
(505)844-2238 FAX(505)845-0833                       
     ____                  _    __ 
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                                    Unleash the Beast


From: paraview-bounces+bnwylie=sandia.gov at paraview.org on behalf of Renato N. Elias
Sent: Fri 11/4/2005 5:24 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [Paraview] Serial posprocessing of parallel data...

Hi Amy,

I see what you mean but there isn't any other way of reading parallel data
with Paraview running in serial mode besides having to read each piece of
data separately?

I'm insisting on it because not always we have a parallel rendering (or data
server) system in hand to post-process parallel data. Suppose you have ran a
parallel problem in a 64 CPUs machine and this machine is dedicated only to
solve simulation problems (without any rendering support or with data access
restrict), thus, you have to copy all pieces of data to a serial graphic
workstation and read each piece of data one-by-one manually.

I think that visualization softwares should work with parallel file formats,
like SOS, even when running in serial mode. It would be another feature of
the parallel format and I guess it's not hard to implement.

Thanks for your explanation

Renato N. Elias
PhD student - http://www.nacad.ufrj.br/~rnelias
High Performance Computing Center
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
+55(21) 2562-8080

At 11:53 AM 11/3/2005, Renato N. Elias wrote:

>Is there any way os reading Ensight server-of-server files in serial mode?

No.  In order to read a server-of-servers (SOS) file, you must have
at least as many processes (i.e., pvserver or pvdataserver nodes) as
files listed in the SOS file.

>I know that it does not make sense since server-of-server is a file format
>for parallel purposes but I would like to know how to load multiple
>(case files corresponding to several MPI partitions) in serial mode or any
>other way of doing it...
>The release note of the ParaView 2.4 tells about Ensight (and PLOT3D)
>readers for multi-block datasets and I was thinking if it could solve my
>problem. Is there an example of the XML file used to specify how Paraview
>should read the Ensight files?

The release note about EnSight and PLOT3D refers to the data output
from the EnSight and PLOT3D readers.  Previously, these two readers
produced multiple data sets on output.  Now, their output is a single
multi-block data set containing the multiple data sets as
sub-datasets.  ParaView does not use an XML file in reading EnSight
files; it reads the EnSight case and SOS files directly.

- Amy

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