[Paraview] Segmentation fault on Paraview 2.0

Richard Haney cosmoh2o at hotmail.com
Tue May 31 12:33:34 EDT 2005

To Whom It May Concern,

I am using Paraview to read-in a XDMF file with .h5 data file (as it is 
"heavy" data) and I keep getting a segmentation fault.  The file I am 
reading in is pretty big with 29,171 Nodes and 58,187 triangular elements.

Has anyone ran into this problem? I am thinking that the file may be too big 
but am unsure. Below is the contents of "ParaView" trace file:

set kw(vtkTemp5) [$Application GetMainWindow]
set kw(vtkTemp23) [$kw(vtkTemp5) GetMainView]
set kw(vtkTemp660) [$kw(vtkTemp5) InitializeReadCustom "XdmfReader" 
$kw(vtkTemp660) SetDomain {Domain0}
$kw(vtkTemp660) EnableGrid {Part Example}
$kw(vtkTemp5) ReadFileInformation $kw(vtkTemp660) 
$kw(vtkTemp5) FinalizeRead $kw(vtkTemp660) 
set kw(vtkTemp683) [$kw(vtkTemp660) GetPVWidget {Filename}]
$kw(vtkTemp683) SetValue "/home/rhaney/Convert/out10FT.xmf"
set kw(vtkTemp670) [$kw(vtkTemp660) GetPVWidget {cell_array_sel}]
set kw(vtkTemp674) [$kw(vtkTemp660) GetPVWidget {point_array_sel}]
set kw(vtkTemp675) [$kw(vtkTemp660) GetPVWidget {stride}]
$kw(vtkTemp675) SetValue 1 1 1
set kw(vtkTemp687) [$kw(vtkTemp660) GetPVWidget {xdmf_parameters}]
$kw(vtkTemp5) SetCenterOfRotation -2.314751 0.000000 -16.046406
$kw(vtkTemp5) SetCenterOfRotation -2.314751 0.000000 -16.046406
$kw(vtkTemp660) AcceptCallback

Thanks to anyone with any hint/help.

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