[Paraview] Bug in image Calculator?

Max Schoebinger m.schoebinger at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Tue May 17 02:55:06 EDT 2005

Hi Berk,

oh, oh. Your're perfectly right. In Germany we would say that I have had 
curtains in front of my eyes ;-)

Thanks for your help,


Berk Geveci wrote:
> Hi Max, 
> You are glyphing the wrong vectors. Make sure you select "Result" for  Vectors,
> not "ImageFile". ImageFile are the original vectors.
> -Berk
> On 5/13/05, Max Schoebinger <m.schoebinger at dkfz-heidelberg.de> wrote:
>>the paraview mailing list bounces my mail because it is slightly too
>>large. So I'm not sure, if you've got my e-mail (as CC), so here you get
>>it again (see below, worst case you get it the third time ;-) ).
>>Thank you for your help,
>>I have attached the files I have used. For verification of vector
>>orientation I have used the glyph-filter with the following settings for
>>all images:
>>    Orient-Mode = Vector
>>    Scale Mode = Vector Magnitude
>>    Scale Factor =  1
>>    Vectors = Image File
>>If I  "transform" the file coordinateField_3x3x3.mhd (see image
>>vectors-before-calculate.png) using the image calculator and the formula
>>ImageFile_0*iHat - ImageFile_1*jHat + ImageFile_2*kHat paraview-1.4.2
>>gave me the results i expected (vectors-after-calculate.png). Using
>>paraview versions >= 1.6 the glyphed output of the calculator looks the
>>same as depicted in vectors-before-calculate.png.
>>Note: in the current cvs version a bug has been fixed, which resulted in
>>flipped vector fields if they were read from mhd files. So if you use
>>the cvs-version from today, you have to swap the to images in mind ;-)
>>Anyway, i think this is unrelated to the calculator behaviour i am
>>Berk Geveci wrote:
>>>I cannot reproduce this in ParaView 2.0 and the development version.
>>>How are you verifying that the vectors are not flipped? Are you using
>>>the glyph filter? If yes, did you make sure you are using the right
>>>vector in glyph (where it says Vectors on the Orient/Scale interface)?
>>>On 5/13/05, Max Schoebinger <m.schoebinger at dkfz-heidelberg.de> wrote:
>>>>if I try to flip the orientation of the y-component of the vectors in a
>>>>vector field according to the description given in
>>>>using the formula ImageFile_0*iHat - ImageFile_1*jHat + ImageFile_2*kHat
>>>>using all paraview versions above 1.4 nothing happens (which means, that
>>>>the output vector field is the same as the input vector field). Using
>>>>paraview 1.4.2 the results were as expected...
>>>>ParaView mailing list
>>>>ParaView at paraview.org
>>Dipl.-Inform. Med. Max Schöbinger
>>Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum       (German Cancer Research Center)
>>Div. Medical & Biological Informatics          Tel: (+49) 6221-42 2370
>>Im Neuenheimer Feld 280                        Fax: (+49) 6221-42 2345
>>D-69120 Heidelberg                       E-Mail: M.Schoebinger at dkfz.de
>>ObjectType = Image
>>NDims = 3
>>BinaryData = True
>>BinaryDataByteOrderMSB = False
>>DimSize = 3 3 3
>>ElementNumberOfChannels = 3
>>ElementType = MET_UINT
>>ElementDataFile = coordinateField_3x3x3.raw

Dipl.-Inform. Med. Max Schöbinger
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum       (German Cancer Research Center)
Div. Medical & Biological Informatics          Tel: (+49) 6221-42 2370
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280                        Fax: (+49) 6221-42 2345
D-69120 Heidelberg                       E-Mail: M.Schoebinger at dkfz.de

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