[Paraview] RE:compiling paraview (Franz Th. Langer)

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Wed May 11 14:30:32 EDT 2005

Hi Franz,

I'm copying this back to the ParaView users' list so see if anybody else 
sees anything in the CMakeCache.txt file.

In case anyone is wondering, the translation of the reported error message 
into English is:
E:\paraview\Utilities\hdf5\H5detect.c(95): error C2061: Syntax error: 
Designator ' jbuf_g '

- Amy

At 01:19 PM 5/11/2005, you wrote:
>Hi Amy,
>thanks very much for your response!
>I didnt change any of the configuration in cmake!
>please find attached txt-file!
>Amy Squillacote wrote:
>>Hi Franz,
>>What (if any) CMake options did you change when you were trying to build 
>>ParaView?  Can you send a copy of the CMakeCache.txt file (in your 
>>ParaView build directory)?
>>- Amy
>>At 11:05 AM 5/11/2005, =?gb2312?B?0Lu66LfJ?= wrote:
>>>To Franz:
>>>    If you compile ParaView on default, it will have no Errors!
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > I am trying to compile ParaView(2.01) on
>>> > Windows 2000, VC++ 6.0, Cmake 2.0
>>> >
>>> > and with build_all it stops at:
>>> >
>>> > E:\paraview\Utilities\hdf5\H5detect.c(95) : error C2061: Syntaxfehler :
>>> > Bezeichner 'jbuf_g'
>>> >
>>> > I dont know the reason for this error and in the
>>> > paraview-guide-book  I was looking for some configuration-
>>> > infos for windows, but threre I couldnt find the necc. infos.
>>> >
>>> > I did exactly what was written in the compiling.html for
>>> > windows-installation!
>>> > but as you can see compiling is impossible!
>>> > perhaps in cmake I have to change some configurations,
>>> > but I dont know what ? or is there a tool missing in my system?
>>> > (compiling of vtk-only(4.2), works perfect!)
>>> >
>>> > is it poss. for someone to help me in this matter?
>>> >
>>> > regards
>>>=============================================== ŵ»ùÑÇÁåÉù 
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>>>ParaView mailing list
>>>ParaView at paraview.org
>>ParaView mailing list
>>ParaView at paraview.org
># This is the CMakeCache file.
># For build in directory: e:/paraview/build
># You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
># If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
># If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
># The syntax for the file is as follows:
># KEY is the name of a variable in the cache.
># TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
># VALUE is the current value for the KEY.
># EXTERNAL cache entries
>//Build the documentation (Doxygen).
>//Build VTK examples.
>//Build VTK with shared libraries.
>//Build the testing tree.
>//Path to a program.
>//For backwards compatibility, what version of CMake commands and
>// syntax should this version of CMake allow.
>//C++ compiler
>//Flags used by the compiler during all build types.
>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi
>// /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller
>// files).
>//Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//C compiler
>//Flags for C compiler.
>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi
>// /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller
>// files).
>//Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//Flags used by the linker.
>//Flags used by the linker during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories.
>//make program
>//Flags used by the linker during the creation of modules.
>//Flags used by the linker during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during the creation of dll's.
>//Flags used by the linker during debug builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during release builds.
>//Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds.
>//If set, runtime paths are not added when using shared libraries.
>//Libraries linked by defalut with all applications.
>CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES:STRING=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib 
>winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib 
>uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib  kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib 
>winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib 
>uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib
>//If true, cmake will use relative paths in makefiles and projects.
>//Use the win32 thread library.
>//If this value is on, makefiles will be generated without the
>// .SILENT directive, and all commands will be echoed to the console
>// during the make.  This is useful for debugging only.
>//Path to program used to compress files for transfer to the dart
>// server
>//Path to the coverage program that Dart client uses for performing
>// coverage inspection
>//Path to a program.
>//Options passed to the cvs update command.
>//Limit of reported errors, -1 reports all.
>//Limit of reported warnings, -1 reports all.
>//Time alloted for a test before Dart will kill the test.
>//Show the actual output of the build, or if off show a . for each
>// 1024 bytes.
>//Should Dart server send email when build errors are found in
>// Continuous builds?
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Path to gunzip executable
>//Enable datasets larger than memory
>//Compile Stream Virtual File Driver support
>//Where can the htmlhelp library be found
>//What is the path where the file htmlhelp.h can be found
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//What is the path where the file fcntl.h can be found
>//What is the path where the file mman.h can be found
>//What is the path where the file in.h can be found
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Path to java command, used by the Dart server to create html.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Command used to build entire project from the command line.
>MAKECOMMAND:STRING='"D:/Programme/Microsoft Visual 
>Studio/Common/MSDev98/Bin/msdev.com" ParaView.dsw /MAKE "ALL_BUILD - Release" '
>//Path to Rational purify command, used for memory error detection.
>//File that contains suppressions for the memmory checker
>//Where is makensis.exe located
>//OpenGL library for win32
>//GLU library for win32
>//Build ParaView with enforced secure connection (--connect-id)
>//Build end user applications (ParaView, pvclient, pvbatch)
>//Build ParaView against the PVAdaptor private source library.
>// Requires Kitware License
>//Build ParaView with Floating Point Exceptions turned on
>//Build ParaView with all experimental options
>//Extra modules that ParaView will try to import. The modules have
>// to provide ParaViewImport.cmake file.
>//Use ParaView tree for Dart server. Should be OFF
>//Use the ANSI standard iostream library.
>//Build using EXODUS library. Requires access to EXODUS libraries
>//Build ParaView with visual bookmarking capability
>//Build using SAF library. Requires access to SAF libraries
>//Use system installed HDF5
>//Path to Rational purify command, used for memory error detection.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Command to run after a failed test to cleanup processes.  Example:
>// "killall -9 rsh paraview"
>//Path to a program.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Path to scp command, used by some Dart clients for submitting
>// results to a Dart server (when not using ftp for submissions)
>//Name of the computer/site where compile is being run
>//Dependencies for target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Path to a program.
>//The path to the Tk internal headers (tkWinPort.h).
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Display Notebook with icons.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//What is the path where the file VTKData.readme can be found
>//Build leak checking support into VTK.
>//Remove all legacy code completely.
>//Silence all legacy code messages.
>//Build VTK with 64 bit ids
>//Turn this option off and tests will not popup windows
>//Build VTK with GUI Support
>//Use mangled Mesa with OpenGL.
>//Use Message Passing Interface (MPI) library for parallel support.
>//Use the system's expat library.
>//Use the system's jpeg library.
>//Use the system's png library.
>//Use the system's tiff library.
>//Use the system's zlib library.
>//Path to an internal program.
>//Where is makensis.exe located
>//XDMF has Network Distributed Global Memory (NDGM)
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for target
># INTERNAL cache entries
>//Host Arcitecture : Linux IRIXN32 IRIX64 AIX CYGWIN
>//Advanced flag for variable: BUILD_DOCUMENTATION
>//Advanced flag for variable: BUILD_EXAMPLES
>//Advanced flag for variable: BUILD_TESTING
>//Have include iostream
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_AR
>//What is the target build tool cmake is generating for.
>//This is the directory where this CMakeCahe.txt was created
>//Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Minor version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Path to CMake executable.
>//Path to ctest program executable.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_COMPILER
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>//Path to cache edit program executable.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>//Name of generator.
>//Start directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt file for this
>// project
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Does the compiler support ansi for scope.
>//Does the compiler support headers like iostream.
>//Does the compiler support std::.
>//noop for ranlib
>//Path to CMake installation.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Size of char data type
>//Size of double data type
>//Size of float data type
>//Size of int data type
>//Size of long data type
>//Size of short data type
>//Size of void* data type
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_STANDARD_LIBRARIES
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_USE_WIN32_THREADS
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE
>//endianness of bytes
>//Advanced flag for variable: COMPRESSIONCOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: COVERAGE_COMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: CVSCOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_BUILD_ERROR_REPORT_LIMIT
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_BUILD_WARNING_REPORT_LIMIT
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT
>//Advanced flag for variable: DART_VERBOSE_BUILD
>//Advanced flag for variable: DELIVER_CONTINUOUS_EMAIL
>//Other test
>//Executable to project name.
>//Single output directory for building all executables.
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: GUNZIPCOMMAND
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Other test
>//Have function difftime
>//Have includes HAVE_DLFCN_H
>//Have includes HAVE_FEATURES_H
>//Have function fork
>//Have function frexpf
>//Have function frexpl
>//Other test
>//Have function gethostname
>//Have function getpwuid
>//Have function getrusage
>//Have function gettimeofday
>//Have includes HAVE_GLOBUS_COMMON_H
>//Have includes HAVE_INTTYPES_H
>//Have function ioctl
>//Have includes HAVE_IO_H
>//Have library dl;
>//Have library m;
>//Have library nsl;
>//Have library socket;
>//Have library ucb;
>//Have library ws2_32;
>//Have library wsock32;
>//Have function longjmp
>//Have includes HAVE_MEMORY_H
>//Have includes HAVE_MFHDF_H
>//Have includes HAVE_NETDB_H
>//Have includes HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H
>//Other test
>//Have includes HAVE_PDB_H
>//Have includes HAVE_PTHREAD_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SETJMP_H
>//Have function sigaction
>//Have function signal
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have function snprintf
>//Other test
>//Have includes HAVE_SRBCLIENT_H
>//Other test
>//Have includes HAVE_STDDEF_H
>//Have includes HAVE_STDINT_H
>//Have includes HAVE_STDLIB_H
>//Have function strdup
>//Have includes HAVE_STRINGS_H
>//Have includes HAVE_STRING_H
>//Have function strtoll
>//Other test
>//Other test
>//Have function system
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_PROC_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
>//Have includes HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H
>//Other test
>//Have symbol TIOCGETD
>//Have symbol TIOCGWINSZ
>//Other test
>//Other test
>//Have includes HAVE_UNISTD_H
>//Have function vsnprintf
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Have function waitpid
>//Have includes HAVE_WINSOCK_H
>//Advanced flag for variable: HDF5_ENABLE_HSIZET
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Advanced flag for variable: HDF5_STREAM_VFD
>//Advanced flag for variable: HTML_HELP_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: HTML_HELP_PATH
>//Path to an executable
>//This is set from VTK_MPIRUN_EXE.
>//This is set from VTK_MPI_MAX_NUMPROCS.
>//This is set from VTK_MPI_POSTFLAGS.
>//This is set from a combination of VTK_MPI_NUMPROC_FLAG VTK_MPI_MAX_NUMPROCS
>//Have include
>//Advanced flag for variable: ICE_HAVE_FCNTL
>//Advanced flag for variable: ICE_HAVE_MMAN
>//Advanced flag for variable: ICE_HAVE_NETINET
>//Other test
>//Other test
>//Other test
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: JAVACOMMAND
>//Path to a library
>//include paths for KWCommon
>//libraries for KWCommon
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//include paths for KWWidgets
>//libraries for KWWidgets
>//Single output directory for building all libraries.
>//Advanced flag for variable: MAKECOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE
>//Have library c
>//Advanced flag for variable: NSIS_MAKENSIS
>//Advanced flag for variable: OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_ALWAYS_SECURE_CONNECTION
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_BUILD_GUI
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_BUILD_WITH_ADAPTOR
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_ENABLE_FPE
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_EXPERIMENTAL_USER
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_EXTRA_EXTERNAL_MODULES
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_TESTING_DART_SERVER
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_USE_ANSI_STDLIB
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_USE_EXODUS
>//Advanced flag for variable: PARAVIEW_USE_SAF
>//Width for printf for type `long long' or `__int64', us. `ll
>//Advanced flag for variable: PURIFYCOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: PV_TEST_CLEAN_COMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: PYTHON_EXECUTABLE
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: SCPCOMMAND
>//Advanced flag for variable: SITE
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Other test
>//Other test
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to tcl include
>//Path to tcl library
>//Path to tcl debug library
>//Advanced flag for variable: TCL_TCLSH
>//Other test
>//Path to tk include
>//Advanced flag for variable: TK_INTERNAL_PATH
>//Path to tk library
>//Path to tk debug library
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: USE_NOTEBOOK_ICONS
>//Path to an executable
>//Support for C++ type bool
>//Compiler is MSVC 6
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_DATA_ROOT
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS
>//Support for C++ explict templates
>//Have include iosfwd
>//Support for getsockname with socklen_t
>//Have library socket
>//Have include iostream.h
>//Have include strstream.h
>//Have include strstrea.h
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_LEGACY_REMOVE
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_LEGACY_SILENT
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Result of TRY_RUN
>//The opengl library being used supports off screen Mesa calls.
>//ParaView links against its own version of Tcl/TK
>//The tk.rc resource file required to add the proper resources
>// to a Tk command-line interpreter (i.e. vtk.exe)
>//Whether char is signed.
>//Result of TRY_COMPILE
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS
>//Build classes using Carbon API.
>//Build classes using Cocoa API.
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_DISPLAY
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_GUISUPPORT
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_MANGLED_MESA
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_MPI
>//Build VTK with patented support
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_SYSTEM_EXPAT
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_SYSTEM_JPEG
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_SYSTEM_PNG
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_SYSTEM_TIFF
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB
>//Build classes for the X11 window system.
>//Advanced flag for variable: VTK_WRAP_ClientServer_EXE
>//Location of program to do tcl wrapping
>//Location of program to do tcl wrapping
>//Advanced flag for variable: WINZIP_WZZIP
>//Advanced flag for variable: XDMF_HAS_NDGM
>//Have include malloc.h
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//include paths for vtkMPEG2Encode
>//libraries for vtkMPEG2Encode
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.

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