[Paraview] outputs translation problem

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Mon Mar 28 10:07:41 EST 2005

Depending on the data type, there are a few formats you can use:

1. Plot3D for curvilinear grids. ASCII or binary. Not great if running
in parallel
2. EnSight for all types. Not great if running in parallel
3. Legacy VTK (see VTK web site for the format). Not great in parallel
4. New (XML based) VTK (see VTK web site). Works in parallel

It is possible to write a small vtk script to do the conversion.
However, it would probably be more efficient to write a Fortran or
C/C++ program to do the conversion.


On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 15:23:16 +0100, gianlu <glsigismondi at bluewin.ch> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I want to visualize the outputs of a CFD code (solving a propeller for ship
> problem) with ParaView. Data files are in text format (Ascii) and they
> specify geometry (nodes coordinates of panels describing the blade..),
> values of pressure on the blades, Velocity, .. . I have to convert this
> files in a format that Paraview can accept and that is most portable as
> possible. 
> What format file are the best for these specifics? 
> Is also possible to create into Paraview (or VTK) a script to translate
> directly my output files? 
> thanks 
> gianluca  
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