[Paraview] Grid connectivity, Delaunay3D?

Daniel Goldstein Daniel.E.Goldstein at colorado.edu
Thu Mar 17 12:08:09 EST 2005


   I have been working with ParaView recently to visualize velocity and 
vorticity fields generated form an adaptive wavelet collocation solver,
 which our group has been developing.  The data fields I have are an 
adaptive subset of a regular grid. For each point in the field I have
scalar or vector values and a field location.  I have been saving data 
into an unstructured grid VTK file format, but I do not have any cell 
just points in space.  This allows me to use glyphs but as far as I can 
figure out I cannot do isosurfaces, volume visualizations, streamlines 
and so on.
If I understand correctly Paraview needs connectivity information 
between the points to be able to do these things.  The Delaunay3D filter 
has been mentioned
recently on this list and from looking at the documentation the filter  
might provide the connectivity  information I need. My questions are:

1) Does the Delaunay3D filter seem applicable to my need for generating 
connectivity information between points in space?

2) Is there a reason the Delaunay3D filter was not included in ParaView

3) Could someone who has already implemented the necessary xml files to 
allow the Delaunay3D filter to be loaded by ParaView please
    post them (or send them to me) so I do not have to duplicate your 
work.  (I'll put in my IOU to do the same for others when I am up to speed
    with ParaView and VTK)

  Thanks in advance

Dan Goldstein

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