[Paraview] movie from CVS image

don fisher dfisher at as.arizona.edu
Mon Mar 14 12:56:17 EST 2005


The no CVS version will not generate movies the way I desire. There 
has been a lot of effort visible in the recent CVS downloads I have made.

Last week, when I entered the first in a sequence of frames, Paraview 
jumped into move mode and all of the command buttons, including 
File-Quit where grayed out.

This week the behavior with loading the first image is improved. But I 
cannot locate the old animate bu filename sequence. The only thing 
available is animate buy keyframe, and selecting the filename as the 
animated property does not expose the rest of the sequence.

If I View source, and depress timesteps, only the current image is 
displayed in the right window. The left window contains 3 dots, but no 
images to add. Browse also only returns a single image from the sequence.

How does one generate a movie from a sequence of images. Is this 
currently disabled in the CVS builds?

Thanks for your help
|    Don Fisher				  dfisher at as.arizona.edu  |
|    Steward Observatory		  			  |
|    933 N. Cherry Ave.    		  VOICE: (520)888-7613	  |
|    University of Arizona		                          |
|    Tucson, AZ  85721                				  |

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