[Paraview] Question

Manuel Nascimento Dias Barcelos Júnior Barcelos at colorado.edu
Tue Jun 28 16:02:14 EDT 2005

   Hi I'm a graduate student at CU and I'm trying to convert data sets to vtk
format to be read by ParaView. Is there anyone who could show an example of a
vtk file format which contains an unstructured mesh with density, pressure,
velocity or displacements data sets for different time steps? Also a reference
text would be helpfull, I went through the web and did not have success in
finding any information I could use.

Thanks in advance for helping,

Manuel Barcelos.


 Graduate Student
 University of Colorado
 Center for Aerospace Structures
 UCB 429
 Boulder, Colorado 80309
 (office) 303 492 0619
 (fax) 303 492 4990

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