[Paraview] scaling the cube axes

Wylie, Brian bnwylie at sandia.gov
Fri Jun 17 12:06:45 EDT 2005

You can use the 'transform' filter. That actually changes the value of
the bounds of the object. The actor control is simply a 'visual' change.

Brian Wylie - Org 9227
Sandia National Laboratories
MS 0822 - Building 880/A1-J
(505)844-2238 FAX(505)845-0833                       
     ____                  _    __
    / __ \____  _________ | |  / (_)__ _      __ 
   / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ __ `/ | / / / _ \ | /| / /
  / ____/ /_/ / /  / /_/ /| |/ / /  __/ |/ |/ /
 /_/    \__,_/_/   \__,_/ |___/_/\___/|__/|__/

                                    Unleash the Beast

> -----Original Message-----
> From: paraview-bounces+bnwylie=sandia.gov at paraview.org 
> [mailto:paraview-bounces+bnwylie=sandia.gov at paraview.org] On 
> Behalf Of Dave Lim
> Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 6:10 PM
> To: paraview at paraview.org
> Subject: [Paraview] scaling the cube axes
> I have used vtk polyline to generate a curve in space.  When 
> I adjust the Scale parameter in Actor Control to "shrink" one 
> of the axes relative to the other, the plotted curve shows 
> the correct adjustment, but the Cube Axes does not show a 
> corresponding change, thereby giving an incorrect reading of 
> the points along the curve. Is there a way to adjust the Cube 
> Axes so that it "shrinks" when the plot shrinks?  Thank you.
> --Dave
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