[Paraview] Paraview 2.0.2...

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Fri Jun 3 17:25:54 EDT 2005

Peter G Carswell wrote:
> I have downloaded and installed paraview v. 2.0.2 and noticed, in the 
> bin/ directory, the added executables, pvbatch  pvclient,  
> pvdataserver,  pvrenderserver and pvserver. This is from the binary 
> distribution. I had used v. 1.8.5, again binary distribution, and was 
> following chapter 13, the tutorial, of _The Paraview Guide_. From 
> reading the section of the tutorial on running parallel, I was prepared 
> to compile, from the source, version 2.0.2 on a linux cluster. But, when 
> I noticed the pvserver executable, I wondered if version 2.0.2 binary 
> distribution comes compiled with the parallel feature? Or is the 
> recommended routine to compile from the source distribution?

You can use the separate client/server executables from the binary to 
run a single node of each type.  If you want to use MPI to run a 
multi-node server you'll still have to build from source.


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