[Paraview] Sessions Files

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Wed Feb 9 10:24:53 EST 2005

Thierry Dubuis wrote:
> Where can I find informations about Sessions Files Format (or Tcl 
> scripting language)?
> - File organisation
> - Commands list

The Tcl scripting language is documented here:


The ParaView session files are basically scripts that drive C++ classes 
that have been wrapped into Tcl.  Only a minimal part of ParaView's 
classes needed to drive the GUI has been wrapped.  It is not really 
meant to be an easy-to-use language right now.  The only "programs" 
written by hand are for running the tests when it it built.  As far as 
the command list, you'll have to refer to the documentation of the 
classes that can be driven through Tcl, like this one:


All those variables like $kw(vtkTemp4) are just a simple means to 
produce unique object names when dumping sessions.  If you write your 
own files they can be replaced with more descriptive Tcl variable names.


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