[Paraview] polygon offset

Dominik Szczerba domi at vision.ee.ethz.ch
Tue Dec 6 14:35:48 EST 2005

Oh yes indeed, I am talking about the first solution. Now is there a 
particular reason this swich is not available in paraview?

Berk Geveci wrote:
> Is this what you are asking?
> vtkMapper.h
>   // Description:
>   // Set/Get a global flag that controls whether coincident topology (e.g.,
> a
>   // line on top of a polygon) is shifted to avoid z-buffer resolution (and
>   // hence rendering problems). If not off, there are two methods to choose
>   // from. PolygonOffset uses graphics systems calls to shift polygons, but
>   // does not distinguish vertices and lines from one another. ShiftZBuffer
>   // remaps the z-buffer to distinguish vertices, lines, and polygons, but
>   // does not always produce acceptable results. If you use the ShiftZBuffer
>   // approach, you may also want to set the ResolveCoincidentTopologyZShift
>   // value. (Note: not all mappers/graphics systems implement this
>   // functionality.)
>   static void SetResolveCoincidentTopology(int val);
>   static int  GetResolveCoincidentTopology();
>   static void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToDefault();
>   static void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToOff()
>     {SetResolveCoincidentTopology(VTK_RESOLVE_OFF);}
>   static void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToPolygonOffset()
>     {SetResolveCoincidentTopology(VTK_RESOLVE_POLYGON_OFFSET);}
>   static void SetResolveCoincidentTopologyToShiftZBuffer()
>     {SetResolveCoincidentTopology(VTK_RESOLVE_SHIFT_ZBUFFER);}
> On 12/6/05, Dominik Szczerba <domi at vision.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:
>>Thanks a lot, yes, still however it is far from what I used to get with
>>my own small codes, but that might be an issue for VTK mailing list
>>instead. Still, it looks a bit like a dead-end to me (where to put it?).
>>Wylie, Brian wrote:
>>>Okay I know this is a not a 'solution' but for a quick fix set the line
>>>width to '2' instead of '1'. It will look much better. :)
>>>  Brian Wylie - Org 9227
>>>  Sandia National Laboratories
>>>  MS 0822 - Building 880/A1-J
>>>  (505)844-2238 FAX(505)845-0833
>>>       ____                  _    __
>>>      / __ \____  _________ | |  / (_)__ _      __
>>>     / /_/ / __ `/ ___/ __ `/ | / / / _ \ | /| / /
>>>    / ____/ /_/ / /  / /_/ /| |/ / /  __/ |/ |/ /
>>>   /_/    \__,_/_/   \__,_/ |___/_/\___/|__/|__/
>>>                                    Unleash the Beast
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: paraview-bounces+bnwylie=sandia.gov at paraview.org
>>>>[mailto:paraview-bounces+bnwylie=sandia.gov at paraview.org] On
>>>>Behalf Of Dominik Szczerba
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 9:26 AM
>>>>To: paraview at paraview.org
>>>>Subject: [Paraview] polygon offset
>>>>Does Paraview support OpenGL polygon offset extension? If I
>>>>try to visualize e.g. a tet mesh with edges (extract edges,
>>>>shrink tets) the result looks very bad. Does VTK offer it at
>>>>all? Is it at all possible using the VTK's filter philosophy?
>>>>Dominik Szczerba, Dr.
>>>>ETZ C110 CO-ME/BIWI CH-8092 Zurich
>>>>ParaView mailing list
>>>>ParaView at paraview.org
>>Dominik Szczerba, Dr.
>>Computer Vision Lab CH-8092 Zurich
>>ParaView mailing list
>>ParaView at paraview.org

Dominik Szczerba, Dr.
Computer Vision Lab CH-8092 Zurich

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