[Paraview] Mac OS 10.4.2 build trouble

Lee Ankeny laa at lanl.gov
Tue Aug 23 17:15:35 EDT 2005

The FAQ is accurate for Panther and gcc 3.3, but apparently not for  
Tiger with either 3.3 or 4.0. I wish I could tell you what worked :(

On Aug 23, 2005, at 2:57 PM, David Farrell wrote:

> Oops - missed the FAQ. I followed the steps, so now the options  
> look like:
> BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                ON
> CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local
> VTK_APPLE_RESOURCE               /Developer/Tools/Rez
> VTK_USE_CARBON                   OFF
> VTK_USE_COCOA                    OFF
> VTK_USE_MPI                      OFF
> VTK_USE_X                        ON
> VTK_WRAP_HINTS                   /Applications/ParaView/ 
> paraview-2.2.1/VTK/Wrapping/hints
> and I still get the same error:
> Building Utility maketcltk...
> /usr/bin/gcc -pipe -prebind  tclAppInit.o -L/Applications/ParaView/ 
> paraview-2.2.1_build/Utilities/TclTk/tcl8.4.5/unix -ltcl8.4 - 
> framework CoreFoundation  \
>          -o tclsh
> ld: /usr/lib/crt1.o illegal reference to symbol: __objcInit defined  
> in indirectly referenced dynamic library /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
> make: *** [tclsh] Error 1
> make[3]: *** [maketcltk] Error 1
> make[2]: *** [default_target] Error 2
> make[1]: *** [default_target_Utilities_TclTk] Error 2
> make: *** [default_target] Error 2
> Is there some other steps that need to be taken, or options which  
> should be checked?
> Thanks,
> Dave
> On Aug 23, 2005, at 2:04 PM, Berk Geveci wrote:
>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ 
>> ParaView:FAQ#How_do_I_compile_ParaView_for_Mac_OS_X.3F
>> On 8/23/05, David Farrell <d-farrell2 at northwestern.edu> wrote:
>>> I am trying to compile ParaView under Mac OS 10.4.2, ran cmake,  
>>> with the
>>> following options:
>>> BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                OFF
>>>  CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local
>>>  VTK_APPLE_RESOURCE               /Developer/Tools/Rez
>>>  VTK_USE_CARBON                   ON
>>>  VTK_USE_COCOA                    OFF
>>>  VTK_USE_MPI                      OFF
>>>  VTK_USE_X                        OFF
>>> /Applications/ParaView/paraview-2.2.1/VTK/Wrapping/hints
>>> and received the following linker error:
>>> /usr/bin/gcc -pipe -prebind  tclAppInit.o
>>> -L/Applications/ParaView/paraview-2.2.1_build/Utilities/TclTk/ 
>>> tcl8.4.5/unix
>>> -ltcl8.4 -framework CoreFoundation  \
>>>          -o tclsh
>>> ld: /usr/lib/crt1.o illegal reference to symbol: __objcInit  
>>> defined in
>>> indirectly referenced dynamic library /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
>>> make: *** [tclsh] Error 1
>>> make[3]: *** [maketcltk] Error 1
>>> make[2]: *** [default_target] Error 2
>>> make[1]: *** [default_target_Utilities_TclTk] Error 2
>>> make: *** [default_target] Error 2
>>> Any ideas as to what the trouble could be?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dave
>>> David E. Farrell
>>> Graduate Student
>>> Mechanical Engineering
>>> Northwestern University
>>> email: d-farrell2 at northwestern.edu
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> David E. Farrell
> Graduate Student
> Mechanical Engineering
> Northwestern University
> email: d-farrell2 at northwestern.edu
> _______________________________________________
> ParaView mailing list
> ParaView at paraview.org
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