[Paraview] Problems reading Ensight files

Palmer, Teresa Teresa_Palmer at nrel.gov
Mon Aug 15 18:17:11 EDT 2005

I am totally new to ParaView and have been given some files in Ensight
Case Gold Format to read. However, everytime I load up the files and
then press Accept the program exits/crashes.  The trace script reads as
Any ideas - I will do the tutorials though in case this is some novice
error on my part,
$kw(vtkTemp5) ReadFileInformation $kw(vtkTemp916)
$kw(vtkTemp5) FinalizeRead $kw(vtkTemp916)
set kw(vtkTemp938) [$kw(vtkTemp916) GetPVWidget {Filename}]
$kw(vtkTemp938) SetValue "G:/Fluent/ensight-vel-mag.vel"
set kw(vtkTemp923) [$kw(vtkTemp916) GetPVWidget {ByteOrder}]
$kw(vtkTemp923) SetCurrentValue {0}
set kw(vtkTemp933) [$kw(vtkTemp916) GetPVWidget {PointArrays}]
set kw(vtkTemp937) [$kw(vtkTemp916) GetPVWidget {CellArrays}]
# Error or warning:
# There was a VTK Error in file:
#  Error reading case file on at least one node.
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