[Paraview] version 2.2.1 EnSight reading errors - update

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Mon Aug 15 15:07:01 EDT 2005

Hi Dave,

I have been trying to reproduce the error you are seeing when you try 
to read EnSight files in ParaView 2.2.1, but I have not been able to 
do so.  Is it possible for you to send me the files in this EnSight 
data set so I can try to track down this problem?

- Amy

At 11:04 PM 8/8/2005, d-farrell2 at northwestern.edu wrote:

>Hi all - I was poking around in the source, and it seems that the 
>Ensight reader
>(vtkGenericEnSightReader.cxx) does not have an entry to accept when 
>the case file is of the
>following format (just the geometry part):
>type:   ensight gold
>model:  1       atom.3D.0.geo -> where this line does not have a 
>timestep entry
>so the result is that the 1 gets read in as the filename, not the 
>actual geometry file name. A
>quick fix is to just hack out the 1, but that is not an ideal 
>solution. My question is, is this the
>proper behavior (i.e., is my file format wrong? Ensight has no 
>problems with it, nor did the older
>releases of ParaView).
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