[Paraview] Missing Update method in vtkSMDoubleRangeDomain class in ParaView CVS.

Wiktor Moskwa wiko_m at poczta.onet.pl
Mon Aug 15 10:21:29 EDT 2005

I've been trying to use a Scale widget in my reader in ParaView CVS
version with DoubleVectorProperty and its range (obtained through
another DoubleVectorProperty).

Unfortunately range information property didn't work at all.
I've found that there is an Update(SMProperty*) method missing in
vtkSMDoubleRangeDomain class, which updates a domain based on its
required property.

Creating Update method in the same way that it is done in
vtkSMIntVectorProperty solves this problem (for me at least).

I'm not sure if a method has just been removed or never been there
but I hope it helps.


Wiktor Moskwa

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