[Paraview] Adding a new vtkCamera

Joel Howard Willis Weinberger jweinber at cs.brown.edu
Fri Aug 5 14:44:40 EDT 2005

Thanks a lot for the info.

I do need to create the camera on a separate render server. Do you know of 
any example code of this being done in ParaView? Thanks again.


On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:

> Joel,
> I am not clear where the line
> "Renderer -> SetActiveCaveCamera(newCamera); " added?
> You can switch cameras in a render module.
> refer to vtkSMRenderModuleProxy::CreateVTKObjects(int numObjects).
> In this case we have only changed the active camera on the client renderer. 
> For this to work, it is essential that the renderer is created on the client 
> as well. If you wanted to change the active camera on the render server as 
> well, you would have to create a camera proxy on the servers and use a proxy 
> property on the renderer proxy to set the active camera.
> Utkarsh
> Joel Howard Willis Weinberger wrote:
>> I recently created a new subclass of vtkCamera (the purpose of which is to 
>> add a head tracking support for 3d interactive environments) to add to a 
>> custom render module. I created several vtk test suites in which the new 
>> camera functioned very well.
>> However, when I added the line
>> Renderer -> SetActiveCaveCamera(newCamera);
>> where newCamera is an instance of the vtkCamera subclass I get the error:
>> "p0_1260:  p4_error: interrupt SIGSEGV: 11"
>> Does anyone have any idea of how to add a new vtkCamera to a render module? 
>> It seems like you should be able to arbitrarily switch cameras in your 
>> render module. Thanks.
>> --Joel Weinberger, Brown University
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