[Paraview] Re: [Paraview-developers] ParaView 2.2.1

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Mon Aug 1 15:24:27 EDT 2005

The list of changes should have been titled "changes from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1".
- Amy

At 03:03 PM 8/1/2005, Amy Squillacote wrote:
>Dear ParaView users and developers,
>The ParaView 2.2.1 patch release is now available for download from 
>the ParaView web site: http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Download.html. 
>There are several changes (listed below) included in this release.
>changes from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1:
>  1)     Fixing compile warnings: in sscanf, you don't need an & 
> before the name of a char array you're writing into
>  2)     Take Maze source out of XML config. files. (The class was 
> removed previously, but the XML had not been updated.)
>  3)     Take out File, Save SM State menu option.
>  4)     Update ASC logo on the splash screen.
>  5)     Fix spacing, spelling, and capitalization in 
> PV/GUI/Client/Resources/Sources.xml and Filters.xml
>  6)     Remove CMake option PARAVIEW_USE_LOOKMARKS. (ParaView 
> crashed if it was OFF.) (bug #2015)
>  7)     Correctly initialize point size and line width thumbwheels 
> (bug #2011). This was causing the point size to be reset to 1 when 
> you switch between sources.
>  8)     Install KWWidgets, IceT, ad SPCTH data in the correct 
> location (bug #2010)
>  9)     Fixed bad ghost cells for vtkHierarchicalFractal
>10)     Support hierarchical data set of rectilinear grids as input 
>to vtkExtractCTHPart; also fixed division by zero error and check 
>for BOUNDS key.
>11)     Include Xdmf directories
>12)     Include Exodus reader in precompiled binaries. (and Exodus 
>and EnSight writers)
>13)     Reduce length of labels used in Mesh Quality filter so they 
>fit in ParaView's GUI
>14)     Save CSV file in Probe filter; select which arrays to display.
>15)     Fix stereo rendering; it was only rendering for a single eye.
>16)     Make --connect-id work again - if specified, ids must match 
>for client and server to start
>17)     lookmarks: correctly restoring state of min/max sliders for 
>readers; improve stability of lookmarks
>18)     fixed crash when you turn on "Label Point Ids"
>19)     read 64-bit id XML files on Windows (building w/MSVC++ 6 or 7)
>20)     vtkExtractCTHPart moved from Hybrid to Parallel becuase that 
>filter now needs a controller.
>21)     Update information in OutputInformation, not 
>OutputPortInformation; check that cells exist before accessing them.
>22)     Update PV/Utilities/SPCTH/CMakeLists.txt for new version of CMake.
>23)     When animating over time steps in a data set, ParaView was 
>only showing the first time step. (bug #1800)
>24)     Make animation GUI work properly when animating contour values.
>25)     Fix problem with reading SPCTH data with a single data file 
>when running ParaView with a multi-process data server
>26)     Removing sources/filters/readers using old CTH AMR data set 
>type (commented out in XML, not deleted). vtkHierarchicalDataSet is 
>now used instead of vtkCTHData.
>27)     Remove --cave-configuration (-cc) and --machines (-m) 
>command-line arguments. These must now instead be specified in an 
>XML configuration file (see attachment for an example); the name of 
>this configuration file should be passed to each executable being 
>run (paraview, pvserver, pvclient, pvdataserver, pvrenderserver).
>28)     Improve stability of XML readers/writers (includes bugs 
>#2061 and #2081)
>29)     Improve loading of XML files into ParaView (includes 
>specifying a path for XML files for extra libs).
>We hope you enjoy this new release of ParaView.
>- Amy
>Paraview-developers mailing list
>Paraview-developers at paraview.org
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