[Paraview] Re: RES: RES: one global structure

Fabian Braennstroem f.braennstroem at gmx.de
Wed Apr 27 12:16:40 EDT 2005

Hi Renato,

* Renato schrieb am 27 Apr 2005:

> Hi Fabian,
> I'm sending in attach my Fortran routines to write Ensight files in binary
> format. You'll see that is very simple to modify this routines to fit with
> your data.



> Cheers
> Renato N. Elias
> Rio de Janeiro/Brasil
> http://www.nacad.ufrj.br/~rnelias
> -----Mensagem original-----
> De: Fabian Braennstroem [mailto:f.braennstroem at gmx.de] 
> Enviada em: quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2005 02:32
> Para: Renato N. Elias
> Assunto: Re: RES: one global structure
> Hi Renato,
> thanks for your hint. I will take a look at it. Maybe, your fortran routines
> help to get into it faster; I actually just have hexa-elements.
> Best Regards!
> Fabian
> * Renato schrieb am 26 Apr 2005:
> > 
> > Hello Fabian,
> >  
> > I think you must consider the use of Ensight's case format. I've have 
> > been using this file format to posprocess the results of my CFD 
> > program (three dimensional incompressible fluid flow) in Paraview and 
> > Ensight. I'm sure that this format support multiple time steps for one 
> > or multiple geometry data.
> > 
> > I've provided an example of case's file for multiple time steps below:
> > 
> > ======================================================================
> > 
> > type:	ensight
> > 
> > model:	         cav51_2.geo
> > 
> > 
> > scalar per node:           pressure      cav51_2_pres_0***.scl
> > vector per node:           velocity      cav51_2_vel_0***.vec
> > 
> > TIME            
> > time set: 1     
> > number of steps:   5
> > filename start number: 0
> > filename increment: 1   
> > time values: 
> >  0.00
> >  1.00
> >  2.00
> >  3.00
> >  4.00
> > 
> > ======================================================================
> > 
> > Where: cav51_2_pres_0***.scl and cav51_2_vel_0***.vec are the names of 
> > my result files (several files) and cav51_2.geo is my geometry file (only
> one).
> > Note the wildcard for the result files and the definition of the time
> steps.
> > 
> > For a short example of Ensight's geometry and result file (ASCII) you 
> > may look into the files provided with the Paraview distribution 
> > (directory \ParaView 2.0\Data\Data). If you are interested in Fortran 
> > routines to write geometry (for tetrahedral elements) and scalar and 
> > vectorial result files in binary format I could send my routines to you.
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > Renato
> > http://www.nacad.ufrj.br/~rnelias
> > 
> > 
> > -----Mensagem original-----
> > De: paraview-bounces at paraview.org 
> > [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] Em nome de Fabian Braennstroem 
> > Enviada em: terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2005 14:44
> > Para: Paraview List
> > Assunto: [Paraview] one global structure
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a rectilinear mesh for my problem and want to write out a lot 
> > of time steps in different files. This should be no problem to do; I 
> > think using 'Collection' I can collect them again; like this example I
> found:
> > 
> > 
> >   <VTKFile type="Collection">
> >   <Collection>
> >   <DataSet part="0" file="a_field-part0-{timestepnumber}.vtr"/>
> >   <DataSet part="1" file="a_field-part1-{timestepnumber}.vtr"/>
> >   ...
> >   ...
> > 
> >   </Collection>
> >   </VTKFile>
> > 
> > My problem is now, that I have to write the structure and mesh data 
> > for every time step in every file which will produce a lot of bytes. 
> > Is there a way to define the grid and structure of all data-files 
> > global in one file, so that the data-files just have data in binary format
> inside?
> > 
> > Thanks and Greetings!
> > Fabian
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > ParaView mailing list
> > ParaView at paraview.org
> > http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview
> > 
> > 
> Fabian
> --
> Fabian Braennstroem
> Duesseldorf/Berlin

> sh: octet-filter: command not found

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