[Paraview] Extending ParaView unsing existing VTK sources anf filters.

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Tue Apr 19 08:28:20 EDT 2005

At 04:00 AM 4/19/2005, Mattijs Janssens wrote:
>Hi Andrew,
>these are the xml files we use for our reader module. This is perhaps not 
>what you are looking for (since it is about a reader, not a filter).
>Maybe there is a section in the paraview book?

Yes, there is.  Section 17.3 is about adding the necessary XML to ParaView 
when you want to add a new module (reader, filter, etc.).  It also briefly 
describes creating a new library for the new module, but points you to 
ParaView/Examples/PVLocal/README.txt for more details.  Chapter 19 is about 
writing ParaView readers, but some of that information also applies to 
other sources and filters.

- Amy

>Andrew Maclean wrote:
>>It is not clear from the ParaView manual how to extend ParaView using
>>existing VTK sources and filters.
>>Do I:
>>1) Create a new directory somewhere and define PV_INTERFACE_PATH to point to
>>2) Create a file called myfilters.xml with entries in it like:
>>    <ModuleInterfaces>
>>    <Module name="" ...
>>    </Module>
>>    </ModuleInterfaces>
>>I have looked at:
>>But I think this is more for when you create your own code.
>>Has anyone any pointers on how to do this for existing VTK code such as 
>>vtkParametricMobius (a source) or vtkQuantizePolyData (a filter)?
>>If I manage to get the vtk sources or filters into ParaView will static
>>linking still work?
>>What about parallelization? Some filters are not parallelizable - will this
>>affect ParaView?
>>Thanks for any comments.
>>Andrew J. P. Maclean
>>Centre for Autonomous Systems
>>The Rose Street Building J04
>>The University of Sydney  2006  NSW
>>Ph: +61 2 9351 3283
>>Fax: +61 2 9351 7474
>>URL: http://www.cas.edu.au/
>>ParaView mailing list
>>ParaView at paraview.org
>Best regards,
>Mattijs Janssens
>OpenCFD Ltd.
>The Mews, Picketts Lodge,
>Picketts Lane, Salfords,
>Surrey RH1 5RG.
>Tel: +44 (0)1293 821272
>Email: M.Janssens at OpenCFD.co.uk
>URL: http://www.OpenCFD.co.uk
>     <Library name="PVFoamReader"/>
>     <ServerManagerFile name="PVFoamReader.pvsm"/>
>     <Module name="FoamReader"
>         class="vtkPVAdvancedReaderModule"
>         root_name="Foam"
>         output="vtkDataSet"
>         module_type="Reader"
>         extensions=".foam"
>         file_description="Foam case">
>         <Source class="vtkFoamReader"/>
>         <LabeledToggle
>             label="Update GUI"
>             trace_name="UpdateGUI"
>             property="UpdateGUI"
>             help="To update GUI without execution toggle this Accept and 
> Reset."/>
>         <LabeledToggle
>             label="Cache Mesh"
>             trace_name="CacheMesh"
>             property="CacheMesh"
>             help="Cache the FOAM mesh between GUI selection changes."/>
>         <Scale
>             property="TimeStep"
>             trace_name="TimeStep"
>             label="Time step"
>             display_entry="1"
>             display_value="1"
>             entry_and_label_on_top="0"
>             help="Select a time step."
>             range_source="TimeStepRange"/>
>         <VectorEntry
>             property="TimeStepLimits"
>             type="int"
>             trace_name="TimeStepLimits"
>             length="2"
>             label="Lower and Upper Times"
>             help="Maximum lower and upper number of time steps displayed 
> in the selection list."/>
>         <ArraySelection
>             label_text="Time"
>             property="TimeStatus"
>             trace_name="TimeArrays"/>
>         <ArraySelection
>             label_text="Region"
>             property="RegionStatus"
>             trace_name="RegionArrays"/>
>         <ArraySelection
>             label_text="Vol Field"
>             property="VolFieldStatus"
>             trace_name="CellArrays"/>
>         <ArraySelection
>             label_text="Point Field"
>             property="PointFieldStatus"
>             trace_name="PointArrays"/>
>         <Documentation>
>             ParaView Foam reader module
>         </Documentation>
>     </Module>
>     <ProxyGroup name="sources">
>     <SourceProxy
>         name="FoamReader"
>         class="vtkFoamReader">
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="FileName"
>             command="SetFileName"
>             number_of_elements="1">
>             <StringListDomain name="files"/>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <IntVectorProperty
>             name="UpdateGUI"
>             command="SetUpdateGUI"
>             number_of_elements="1"
>             default_values="0">
>             <BooleanDomain name="bool"/>
>         </IntVectorProperty>
>         <IntVectorProperty
>             name="CacheMesh"
>             command="SetCacheMesh"
>             number_of_elements="1"
>             default_values="1">
>             <BooleanDomain name="bool"/>
>         </IntVectorProperty>
>         <IntVectorProperty
>             name="TimeStepRangeInfo"
>             command="GetTimeStepRange"
>             information_only="1">
>             <SimpleIntInformationHelper/>
>         </IntVectorProperty>
>         <IntVectorProperty
>             name="TimeStep"
>             command="SetTimeStep"
>             number_of_elements="1"
>             default_values="0">
>             <IntRangeDomain name="range">
>                 <RequiredProperties>
>                     <Property name="TimeStepRangeInfo" function="Range"/>
>                 </RequiredProperties>
>             </IntRangeDomain>
>         </IntVectorProperty>
>         <IntVectorProperty
>             name="TimeStepLimitsInfo"
>             command="GetTimeStepLimits"
>             information_only="1">
>             <SimpleIntInformationHelper/>
>         </IntVectorProperty>
>         <IntVectorProperty
>             name="TimeStepLimits"
>             command="SetTimeStepLimits"
>             number_of_elements="2"
>             default_values="2 5" >
>             <IntRangeDomain name="range">
>                 <RequiredProperties>
>                     <Property name="TimeStepLimitsInfo" function="Range"/>
>                 </RequiredProperties>
>             </IntRangeDomain>
>         </IntVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="TimeArrayInfo"
>             information_only="1">
>             <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name="Time"/>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="TimeStatus"
>             command="SetTimeArrayStatus"
>             number_of_elements="0"
>             repeat_command="1"
>             number_of_elements_per_command="2"
>             element_types="2 0"
>             information_property="TimeArrayInfo">
>             <ArraySelectionDomain name="array_list">
>                 <RequiredProperties>
>                     <Property name="TimeArrayInfo"
>                     function="ArrayList"/>
>                 </RequiredProperties>
>             </ArraySelectionDomain>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="RegionArrayInfo"
>             information_only="1">
>             <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name="Region"/>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="RegionStatus"
>             command="SetRegionArrayStatus"
>             number_of_elements="0"
>             repeat_command="1"
>             number_of_elements_per_command="2"
>             element_types="2 0"
>             information_property="RegionArrayInfo">
>             <ArraySelectionDomain name="array_list">
>                 <RequiredProperties>
>                     <Property name="RegionArrayInfo"
>                         function="ArrayList"/>
>                 </RequiredProperties>
>             </ArraySelectionDomain>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="VolFieldArrayInfo"
>             information_only="1">
>             <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name="VolField"/>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="VolFieldStatus"
>             command="SetVolFieldArrayStatus"
>             number_of_elements="0"
>             repeat_command="1"
>             number_of_elements_per_command="2"
>             element_types="2 0"
>             information_property="VolFieldArrayInfo">
>             <ArraySelectionDomain name="array_list">
>                 <RequiredProperties>
>                     <Property name="VolFieldArrayInfo"
>                         function="ArrayList"/>
>                 </RequiredProperties>
>             </ArraySelectionDomain>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="PointFieldArrayInfo"
>             information_only="1">
>             <ArraySelectionInformationHelper attribute_name="PointField"/>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>         <StringVectorProperty
>             name="PointFieldStatus"
>             command="SetPointFieldArrayStatus"
>             number_of_elements="0"
>             repeat_command="1"
>             number_of_elements_per_command="2"
>             element_types="2 0"
>                 information_property="PointFieldArrayInfo">
>             <ArraySelectionDomain name="array_list">
>                 <RequiredProperties>
>                     <Property name="PointFieldArrayInfo"
>                         function="ArrayList"/>
>                 </RequiredProperties>
>             </ArraySelectionDomain>
>         </StringVectorProperty>
>     </SourceProxy>
>     </ProxyGroup>
>ParaView mailing list
>ParaView at paraview.org

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