[Paraview] vtkPVInteractorStyleCenterOfRotation

RAVINDRANATH LANKA rlanka at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 8 17:44:55 EDT 2005

Dear All,

   I have developed a simple vtk python application in which I would like to 
provide a functionality wherein the user can specify the center of rotation. 
  This is similar to what is there in Paraview.  I started with 
vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera but then it always uses the screen center 
as the center of rotation.
I noticed that paraview has a class called 
"vtkPVInteractorStyleCenterOfRotation".  I couldn't quite understood how it 
is implemented.  Has anyone implemented its equivalent in vtk with python 
Or is there any other way to implement this functionality.


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