[Paraview] how to add reader to the paraview loader

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Tue Oct 19 10:38:23 EDT 2004

Brad King wrote:
> 杨艳春 wrote:
>>I have modified ParaView/Servers/ServerManager/Resources/readers.xml and ParaView/GUI/Client/Resources/Readers.xml.And i also followed the three step Berk proposed:
>>1. Create a directory to put the module descriptions in,
>>(I have a ${HOME}/etc/paraview directory for ex.)
>>2. Add a variable called PV_INTERFACE_PATH to your environment
>>pointing to this directory
>>(I do "export PV_INTERFACE_PATH=${HOME}/etc/paraview)
>>3. Create a file with xml extension to describe the reader module.

I just noticed that you created only a .xml file.  You also need a .pvsm
file to which the .xml file points.  Take a look at
ParaView/Examples/PVLocal in the source tree for an example.


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