[Paraview] multiple profiles

Amy Henderson amy.henderson at kitware.com
Tue Oct 12 08:16:01 EDT 2004

Hi Stephen,

Try adding Pressure and Density to your VTK file as SCALARS instead of as 
LOOKUP_TABLE.  There is a PDF file available at www.vtk.org that explains 
VTK's file formats (http://www.vtk.org/pdf/file-formats.pdf).

- Amy

At 11:13 AM 10/11/2004, Stephen Wornom wrote:
>I would like to write several profiles on the same .vtk file for example:
># vtk DataFile Version 2.0
>My data/n
>POINTS 35053 float
>CELLS 172722 863610
>CELL_TYPES 172722
>SCALARS Maillage1 float 2
>when I start paraview only the last profile is veriable with the name 
>"point Maillage1 (2)." How should I write the vtk file so that
>point Pressure
>point Density
>are both available?
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