[Paraview] Is scripting working?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Fri Nov 19 13:44:25 EST 2004

valdo meyer wrote:
> Hello,
> the script interface seems to be necessary beyond the point one try to 
> make something out of the classical interface-based manipulations with 
> Paraview. ut unfortunately there is nothing about is in the doc nor in 
> the tutorials. So since I do know Tcl this is not really a problem, or 
> at least I was expecting that! But actually I did not manage to have it 
> running. Concretely:
>   - when I write something like:
>        if { globalPVTime > 0.5 } {
> as soon as I type the CR at the end of the line that the brackets are 
> removed! although this is a correct Tcl line. And then the ">" sign is 
> not recognized (seems that a command name is expected here). So where am 
> I wrong?

The command prompt is meant as a minimal interface for debugging 
purposes.  It is not a full Tcl prompt.  You can work around the curly 
issue by using quotes instead:

if " $globalPVTime > 0.5" " .... "


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