[Paraview] Building standalone vtk within Paraview

John Biddiscombe (CSCS) jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Wed Nov 17 09:50:12 EST 2004

When building paraview, only a subset of the vtk is wrapped in tcl, 
which means that for testing regular vtk code with tcl, one must build 
vtk on its own, and also build paraview separately.

I'd like to build Paraview alone, and have it produce a complete vtk 
build so that one set of libraries and one set of build can be done to 
cover both.
Having looked at the cmakelists files I see that VTK_WRAP_TCL is forced 
to false, and then a separate Utilities/VTKTclWrapping set of stuff is 

By disabling the forcing of VTK_WRAP_TCL and clearing one of the COPY 
Tcl/tk lib flags, I was able to produce most of the tcl wrappers, but 
the xdmf utility died on VTK_WRAP_TCL2 command.

Can anyone briefly outline how I would do this cleanly within Paraview. 
It'd be nice to have a
BUILD_VTK_COMPLETE flag which could be enabled and would result in a 
full set of vtk libs being produced.

Any reason why this can't be accomplished (subject to those flags which 
Paraview needs to force).



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