[Paraview] Paraview 1.2.1 metaimage header issue

Gleicon Moraes gleicon at terra.com.br
Sat, 08 May 2004 01:00:32 -0300

Hello !

First post to the list, but have been reading it one way or another for 
some time.
I am having some issues regarding metaimage files (.mha or .mhd ).
I have a raw dataset which loads and render ok into paraview, once I do 
the proper tuning using the raw loader.
Following the itk documentation instructions, I've edited a header for 
it like that:

NDims = 3
DimSize = 17 20 19
ElementType = MET_LONG
ElementSpacing = 1.0 1.0 1.0
ElementByteOrderMSB = TRUE
ElementDataFile = my_data.raw


The problem is, dont matter if I put true of false as 
ElementByteOrderMSB value, it behaves as it's set to false.
I even tried to write with capital letters, changing the raw dataset, 
etc and all the way it gives me the same result as setting little endian 
with the raw loader.
I am using paraview-1.2.1, the binary package for linux, slackware 9.0 
with all needed updates, almost current, but I got this error also with 
  a debian-based machine.
The other filters I tried are all ok, although I am pretty discovering 
paraview and vtk yet.
Thank you in advance for your attention, and forgive me if this is a 
silly error, I just cant find any reference at the documentation I got.

Best regards !

Gleicon S. Moraes
gleicon [a] terra.com.br