[Paraview] vtkMy on ParaView

Michael Grønager michael.gronager at uni-c.dk
Thu, 6 May 2004 21:08:38 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Bart,

I got your example up and running and everything works just fine! SO
thanks again.
However, now I have another problem: I want to watch a running calculation,
and preferably I want the visualization to update as the data becomes
awailable. I could implement this with an animation like loop of a dummy
variable (timestep) going from 0 to infinity (=1000000). However, doing it
this way stalls the interaction - I cannot rotate or change the
visualization while the animation is on. I have also tried to overload the
virtual Execute method and issue a Modified() at the end of Execute(), but
it doesnt force a new call to execute :-(
How do I solve this issue best?



> Berk Geveci wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> ParaView no longer requires TCL wrapping (1.2 and above). It uses a
>> simple binary-stream wrapping for its internal communication. There is
>> a way to have your own classes wrapped into this but I haven't done it
>> so far. I'll let someone who knows more about this answer (Brad?
>> Jean?).
> I've created an example in the new ParaView source tree under
> ParaView/Examples/PVLocal.  The directory contains a sample plugin and
> a  README.txt describing how to copy the sample and create your own
> plugin.
> -Brad
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Michael Gronager, PhD
Research and Developement, VR-C
DTU Build. 304
2800 Lyngby

Phone: +45 35878889
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Email: mpg at uni-c.dk