[Paraview] Wish list

Robert Ferrell ferrell at lanl.gov
Tue, 4 May 2004 08:38:48 -0600 (MDT)

I think, but am not certain, that if you use a .pvd file containing a
collection you can get around this problem.

A .pvd file contains "meta-data" about the files which contain the
timestep data.  In my case it looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1">
		<DataSet ComputationalStep="0" TimeValue="0.0" file="BoomOut.0.vtu"
		<DataSet ComputationalStep="10000" TimeValue="1699.24599473"
file="BoomOut.100.vtu" timestep="1"/>
		<DataSet ComputationalStep="20000" TimeValue="3935.72359908"
file="BoomOut.20.vtu" timestep="2"/>
		<DataSet ComputationalStep="30000" TimeValue="6885.17303258"
file="BoomOut.3.vtu" timestep="3"/>	</Collection>

The only attributes that ParaView looks for (currently) are the file and
timestep attributes.  The ordering of the time series depends on the
timestep attribute, not the file name.  (At least, it seems that way.  I'm
not certain.)

I'm using XML file formats.
