[Paraview] Re: [Insight-users] which format should i save 4D data as

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon, 22 Mar 2004 17:57:36 -0500

Hi Wavelethe,

Probably your best option for visualizing time
series is to use ParaView, which can be
downloaded from:


(You can get it as source code or as binary
  versions for several platforms).


You can save your time sequence data using one 3D
data file per time step in file formats: VTK (.vtk)
or MetaImage (.mhd).  ParaView can read these two
file formats directly.

Try naming the files with a sequence such as


Once you have the set of 3D files (once per
time step), you open ParaView and do:

1) File--> Open Data

    and select the first file "Image0001.mhd"

    as soon as you click on Ok, ParaView will
    load this first dataset and will analyze
    the directory where the dataset is located.
    It will then notice that there are N other
    files with similar names and will show you
    that in the lower part of the left panel,
    in the form of a slider:    "Timestep 0"

2) Go to the menu: "View ---> Animation",

3) In the "Actions" frame click on the "Source"
    selection widget. It will show you the reader
    that you just used for loading the data.
    Click on this reader.

4) In the "Actions" frame click on the
    "Parameter" selection widget. It will show
    you options: { Filename, Script, None }.
    Select "Filename". As soon as you select,
    it ParaView will show two new fields with
    labels "Start value" and "End value".

5) Set the first and last value of file that you
    want to visualize in the time series.  For the
    example above, this will be 1 and 100 respectively.

6) Click on the button "Add Action"

7) In the "Animation Control" frame, click
    on the "Play" button (the black triangle).

8) Get your coffee, sit back and enjoy the
    view as ParaView loads the datasets.
    Note that the first pass will be slow
    since data is being read from disk.

    After that first pass, the data will be
    cached in memory and subsequent passes
    will be done faster.

    This assumes that you have enough memory
    for holding the datasets simultaneously.
    If that's not the case, you should probably
    try selecting a cutting plane on your data
    sets, so the only data to be cached in memory
    is this visible plane and not the entire



wavelethe at pku.org.cn wrote:

> time sequence 3D data 
> vtk is only for 2D or 3D
> i have try the Analyze file format, but the result is a little strange in the view of volview.
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