[Paraview] GIS with ParaView - how to drape?

John Harrop jharrop at acm.org
Sun, 07 Mar 2004 10:05:59 -0800

Our group is fairly new to ParaView/vtk but our initial results and
impressions have been very favourable.  We work with 3D geophysical
models that we build by geophysical inversion of (mostly) surface
surveys.  ParaView has worked very well at enabling us to place drill
hole traces through volumetric models.  It has also been very good at
positioning 2D sections in a 3D model.

One area we have not quite figured out yet is: How do you drape a 2D
texture/image onto a surface?

For example, suppose you have a satellite image or air photo of the
surface of the area you have been modelling.  We usually also have a DEM
so we can generate an elevation surface as a regular mesh or a TIN.  Can
anyone make suggestions on where I can learn more about this kinds of
draping/texture mapping.  (Incidentally, in this case the image is not
being "corrected" by the terrain - its just being dropped vertically
onto the surface with no horizontal adjustment of pixel positions.)


John Harrop