[Paraview] Resolution of Iso-Surface generation

Berk Geveci berklist at nycap.rr.com
Wed Jun 23 14:29:19 EDT 2004

The "resolution" of an iso-surface is entirely dependent on the cell
(element) size of the input. The iso-surface filter will generate one
polygon per each appropriate cell. There are a few ways of making this
iso-surface look smoother.
1. Use normals. In some cases, the iso-surface filter will generate
normals. In cases it doesn't, you can use the "Normals Generation"
filter. The result this filter produces is not as nice as what the
contour filter can do but it's better than nothing.
2. Use subdivision (and normals). Try loop subdivision and normals


On Wed, 2004-06-23 at 13:51, Henry J. Karpf wrote:
> Is there a way to make the resolution of the Iso-surface generation, 
> higher, as in better quality.  So that it is not just flat planes, but 
> some curved surfaces as well?
> Thank you
> Henry Karpf
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Berk Geveci <berklist at nycap.rr.com>

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