[Paraview] Loading binary Ensight data form Paraview

Herve Neau neau at imft.fr
Mon Jun 21 10:06:06 EDT 2004

Dear All;

I am a really beginner in using ParaView.
I use a Fortran solver which generates binary Ensiht6 data. Paraview 
reads *.case file but doesn't read geometry file and result files. If I 
use ascii files, there is no problem.
Is it possible to read binary ensight file generated by Fortran solver 
using ensight reader of paraview?
Does anyone know how to do this and could give me an example of Fortran 
program doing this?

Best Regards,

Herve NEAU


NEAU Hervé   Institut de Mecanique des Fluides, UMR CNRS/INP-UPS 5502

Institut National Polytechnique/ENSEEIHT    Tel:  (33) 05 61 28 59 23
Allee du Professeur Camille SOULA           Fax:  (33) 05 61 28 58 99
31400 TOULOUSE, FRANCE                      e-mail: neau at imft.fr

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