[Paraview] Pause in batch script

Nicholas Pedersen nipedersen at grundfos.com
Wed Jul 14 08:33:38 EDT 2004


I would like ParaView to act as visualizer for a transient CFD simulation
'on-the-run', that is ParaView should load results files in Ensgiht format
as soon as they appear in a specified data directory.

For this means I could follow at least two different approaches:
a) write a batch script that calls Paraview once but includes a 'pause'
function waiting for new files to appear before proceeding. How do I
accomplish this file testing _inside_ a *.pvs script?

b) make the file testing outside paraview and then launch a *.pvs script
telling Paraview to update the plot. How do l invoke a *.pvs script on an
_existing_ Paraview session?




Nicholas Pedersen, Ph.D.            Email: nipedersen at grundfos.com
Development Engineer                 Tel: +45 8750 4767 (direct)
Fluid Dynamic Engineering          Fax: +45 8750 1491
Grundfos Management A/S
Poul Due Jensens Vej 7
DK-8850 Bjerringbro

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