[Paraview] render module interface documentation

Charles Law charles.law at kitware.com
Tue Jul 6 12:23:39 EDT 2004


I am right in the middle of writing documentation for ParaView render 
modules.  For the moment, the best advice I can give you is to look at the 
"Cave" render module.  It is relatively straight forward 
implementation.  Also,  the top level VTKRenderModule class implements a 
very simple (single process) module that has no levels of details.

The basic objects are:
vtkCaveRenderManager:  This is a VTK class that synchronizes the lights, 
and cameras in all of the processes.  This class also handles compositing 
(but compositing is not needed for the cave module).

vtkPVCaveRenderModule:  This object has methods for creating the render 
windows, renders and managers on all appropriate processes.  It also has 
the main render method and makes global LOD decisions.

vtkPVCaveRenderModuleUI:  This object creates any special user interface 
for controlling parameters for the specific render module.  As currently 
implemented, this class must exist, even if it implements nothing.  The 
name pattern much match the render module object.

vtkPVPartDisplay:  This object handles creating all of the VTK objects that 
are necessary for rendering a VTK data object.  This includes decimation 
filters for creating LODs, geometry filters for creating a polydata 
representation, and re partitioning filters for moving rendering geometry 
around to different processes (used when switching between compositing and 
local rendering on the client).  The render module acts like an object 
factory and creates subclasses of this object as necessary.

What exactly are you going implement in your new module?


At 10:54 AM 7/6/2004 -0500, Doug McCorkle wrote:
>      I am interested writing a render module for paraview 1.4. Is there any
>documentation on the interface required for this module? I have read various
>portions of the user's manual but can't seem to find what I am looking for.
>Also, is there a doxygen site for all the paraview source similiar to vtk?
>One last question, on the features page it mentions being able to describe
>new filters in an XML format and the ability to write added functions for
>the paraview interface, is there documentation somewhere for this
>functionality? Thanks for the help.
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>ParaView at paraview.org

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