[Paraview] building paraview

Leila Baghdadi baghdadi at sickkids.ca
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 14:45:48 -0500 (EST)

Hi all

I am trying to build paraview from cvs and have my own build of vtk4.5.0.
I get the following error
../ParaView/ParaView/vtkClientCompositeManager.cxx: In member
   function `virtual void 
../ParaView/ParaView/vtkClientCompositeManager.cxx:626: no 
   function for call to `vtkRenderWindow::GetScreenSize()'
Building object file vtkPVServerObject.o...

I know that GetScreenSize() is a method of vtkRenderWindow so that leads 
me to believe that my vtk is not compiled properly for use with paraview.

also is paraview using hdf5 internally, I see that it is trying to compile 
hdf libraries!

