[Paraview] running pvbach with external library?

Jean M. Favre jfavre at cscs.ch
Wed Dec 15 10:45:18 EST 2004


I am trying to run pvbatch (version 1.8.1) with the batch files saved by 
a session of ParaView which loads a local lib. The problem is that the 
name of the library is given in the XML file, and that the batch file 
only contains reference to the PVSM file. Thus, pvbatch does not see the 
library name: Here is the error for PVLocal from the Examples directory:

/local/apps/paraview-1.8.1/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModule.cxx, line 550
vtkPVMPIProcessModule (0x805f828): Cannot create object of type 
while processing
Message 0 = New
   Argument 0 = string_value {vtkLocalConeSource}
   Argument 1 = id_value {80}

Cannot create object of type "vtkLocalConeSource".
/local/apps/paraview-1.8.1/Servers/Common/vtkProcessModule.cxx, line 553
vtkPVMPIProcessModule (0x805f828): Aborting execution for debugging 



The batch file does an AddConfigurationFile with PVLocal.pvsm but it has 
no reference to libPVLocal.so

======= batch file executed =============
# ParaView Version 1.8


vtkSMObject foo
set proxyManager [foo GetProxyManager]

set smApplication [foo GetApplication]
$smApplication AddConfigurationFile PVLocal.pvsm 
$smApplication ParseConfigurationFiles
foo Delete


Thanks for any pointer:

Dr. Jean M. Favre,                            email:favre @ cscs.ch
CSCS, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre  | Tel:  +41 (91) 610.82.40
Via Cantonale, 6928 Manno, Switzerland      | Fax:  +41 (91) 610.82.82

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