[Paraview] Building Tcl/Tk via paraview (was ParaView on the Mac)

Lee A Ankeny laa at lanl.gov
Tue Dec 14 11:15:58 EST 2004

Your comments about how Tcl/Tk is built reminds me of a problem I have. Can Paraview's cmake files control the build properties of the embedded Tcl/Tk? Or will I have to hack configure_tcltk.sh.in in the source tree?

In my case, I've got a x86_64 platform on which a gcc bug prevents me from building an optimized 64-bit executable. Until I get it solved I'd like to build with -m32, but CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS doesn't propagate to the Tcl build.


At 8:07 AM -0500 12/14/04, Andy Cedilnik wrote:
>Hi Jon,
>ParaView currently only supports builtin TclTk.
>The TclTk in ParaView is build using two scripts. The
>configure_tcltk.sh.in does the configure (cmake) step, and
>build_tcltk.sh.in does the actual building. The two scripts are only
>written for standard unix using X11.
>       Andy
>Jon H Kaspersen wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> Building ParaView using the X11 libs will work, I know - I have tried
>> that.
>> So, I was trying to build ParaView with the Carbon approach in order
>> not to be
>> depending on the X11 installation.  ParaView was building with the Carbon
>> approach a while back, but was buggy, probably because of the lack of
>> OS X
>> support in the Tcl/Tk version I used then.
>> Regards
>> Jon
>>> ParaView always builds its own Tcl/Tk (8.4.5) that comes in the
>>> source tree, so the version of Tcl on your system does not matter.
>>> As far as this error, I think you have to build ParaView with
>>> -Brad
>> ========================================================
>> Jon Harald Kaspersen                        Mob:       +47 93 03 65 90
>> Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering  
>> Senior Scientist
>> SINTEF Helse
>> N-7465 Trondheim
>> NORWAY            e-mail:    Jon.H.Kaspersen at sintef.no
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Lee Ankeny
Group CCN-12, MS B295, Los Alamos, NM 87545
505-665-0195, FAX 505-665-5402, e-mail laa at lanl.gov

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