[Paraview] ParaView on the Mac

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Tue Dec 14 09:55:26 EST 2004


	Could you try to apply the attached patch to your ParaView source. Go 
to ParaView/Utilities/TclTk and then type:

patch -p0 < /tmp/patch (assuming you save the attachment in /tmp)

Let us know how this work, thanks

Jon H Kaspersen wrote:
> Hi again,
> Building ParaView using the X11 libs will work, I know - I have tried that.
> So, I was trying to build ParaView with the Carbon approach in order not 
> to be
> depending on the X11 installation.  ParaView was building with the Carbon
> approach a while back, but was buggy, probably because of the lack of OS X
> support in the Tcl/Tk version I used then.
> Regards
> Jon
>> ParaView always builds its own Tcl/Tk (8.4.5) that comes in the source 
>> tree, so the version of Tcl on your system does not matter.  As far as 
>> this error, I think you have to build ParaView with
>> -Brad
> ========================================================
> Jon Harald Kaspersen                        Mob:       +47 93 03 65 90
> Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering   
> Senior Scientist
> SINTEF Helse
> N-7465 Trondheim
> NORWAY            e-mail:    Jon.H.Kaspersen at sintef.no
>                 WEB:    http://www.sintef.no/medtek
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