[Paraview] error in batch mode

asterminator at freesurf.fr asterminator at freesurf.fr
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 09:47:05 +0200 (CEST)


paraview is really a great application !

but i found an error in batch mode i didn't understand. I read in
interactive mode an ensight file (there are some warnings during this
reading, i suppose they are due to second order elements i have in my
ensight files, the warning is :
# Error or warning: There was a VTK Warning in file:
 Only vertex nodes of this element will be read.
then i save the batch file toto.pvb (File/Save Batch Script) and i exit.
Finally i launch paraview in batch mode : > paraview -b toto.pvb. The error
appears :
Errors while exiting ParaView:
/home/kitware/ParaViewReleaseRoot/paraview-1.2.1/ParaView/Filters/vtkPVEnSightMasterServerReader.cxx,line 177
vtkPVEnSightMasterServerReader (0xa25a420): ExecuteInformation requires a

Where am i wrong ?
