[Paraview] Showing reader-generated pipeline in selection win dow?

ALIZIER Julien AUSY julien.alizier-ausy at irsn.fr
Fri, 9 Apr 2004 09:19:03 +0200

Hi Berk,

Wow, very goo tip. I was looking for some function to assign a name to =
You gave me the answer, thanks !

-- Julien

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Berk Geveci [mailto:berklist at nycap.rr.com]
Envoy=E9 : jeudi 8 avril 2004 17:59
=C0 : Tim Tautges
Cc : ParaView Mailing List
Objet : Re: [Paraview] Showing reader-generated pipeline in selection

If you create a reader that produces multiple outputs, ParaView will
automatically group them together. You can then extract one or more
"parts" using Extract Parts. If you want the Extract Parts GUI display
special name for parts, change your reader so that it creates an
vtkUnsignedCharArray named "Name" and containing the name of the part
and adds it to data object's field data. For an example, see
vtkEnSight6Reader ::CreateUnstructuredGridOutput().
